Start scuba diving or take your diving to the next level

Do you not have time? Get you first certificate
Scuba Diver is the perfect course for those people don’t have enough time to complete the Open water Course. The content of this program represents the half of the complete Open water. You’ll know your diving equipment, how communicate underwater and the first safety exercises. This certificate will allow you dive for all the world always supervised by a professional instructor with you. And dive to 12 meters. You can complete the course Open water wherever you want in the futur.
- 12 meters
- 2 water sessions
- 3 academic sessions
- From 10 years old
- Medical certificate required

Start your diving training
If you have always wanted to dive, this is the best option to enter this world. This is where your diving training begins, you will get to know the equipment, learn how to plan real dives as well as safety and diving techniques. A course of the most complete and fun. Your first course recognized around the world. You can dive to 18 meters without supervised.
- 18 meters
- 5 water sessions
- 3 academic session
- From 10 years old (O.W junior)
- Medical certificate required

Discover new adventures
The Advanced Adventurer is a funny and dynamic course. It is designed for when you finish you Open Water course you can start to discover different specialty programs. You can try 5 different dive from five SSI Specialty programs without the need to complete the entire program. If you are insure of your next step this is the perfect way to improve your dive skills and experience. If you want continue your training in the future, you can complete the specialties with the rest of the each programs. When you complete 4 specialties you will be Advanced Open Water Diver
- Open Water certificate required
- 30 meters
- 5 water sessions
- From 12 years old
- Medical certificate required

Pack 2 specialties
Specialty diver SSI is a recognition certification. It consist to have complete 2 specialties of SSI program and register in your logbook 12 dives. You can start when you finish the Open water course. You can choose the specialties more interested for you. When you complete these, you will receive the SSI Specialty Diver recognition certification and the individual specialty program certification.
Our recommended pack: Navigation + Perfect Buoyancy
(*You can choose any of the specialities with 10% discount).
- Open Water certificated required
- 12 logged dives
- 18 meters
- From 3 water sessions
- 2 academic sessions
- From 10 years old
- Medical certificate required

Pack 4 specialties
The Advanced Open Water Diver SSI is a recognition certification. It consists of having completed 4 SSI specialties and having 24 dives registered in your logbook. This is a very good option to do the 4 specialties at once. When you have complete all the programs you will receive the Advanced Open Water Diver SSI recognition certification and the individual specialty program certification.
Our recommended pack: Deep Diving, Navigation, Perfect Buoyancy, Night Diving.
(* You can choose any of the specialities with10% discount).
- Open Water certificate required
- 12 logged dives
- 40 meters
- From 7 water sessions
- 4 academic sessions
- From 10 years old
- Medical certificate required

Pack 5 specialties + Stress and Rescue
The Master Diver SSI is a certification of recognition. It consists of having completed 4 specialties (to choose) and the specialty of Stress and Rescue (obligatory), in addition you must have registered 50 immersions. Obtaining the Master Diver is the final step in your recreational training. After completing the five specialty programs, you will receive the SSI Master Diver recognition certification, as well as the five individual specialty program certifications.
- Open Water certificate required
- 50 logged dives
- 40 meters
- From 10 water sessions
- From 7 academic sessions
- From 10 years old
- Medical certificate required

Improve your diving skills!
Dive with a good buoyance is very important for the diving practice. It reduces your consume of air in your dives. The importance of diving with the perfect weights. You will learn finning technical. It is the most recommended as a first specialty.
- Open Water certificate required
- 18 meters
- 2 water sessions
- 1 academic session
- From 10 years old
- Medical certificate required

¡Oriéntate bajo el agua!
Knowing how we can orient underwater sometimes is difficult. You can improve your orientation with technical. To know where you are all the moment and how we can come back to the boat increases our security underwater and we can dive with calm. In this course you will learn how to react if you lose you buddy.
- Open Water certificate required
- 18 meters
- 2 water sessions
- 1 academic session
- From 10 years old
- Medical certificate required

Discover a new underwater world!
Dive in the night is exciting for many divers. In this course you will learn the safety technical for night diving. Also, this course is for diving in sites with limited visibility.
- Open Water certificate required
- 18 meters
- 2 water sessions
- 1 academic session
- From 10 years old
- Medical certificate required

Discover underwater life!
The ocean it’s full of beautiful fish species. In this program we will learn to identify the most important fish families in the Caribe, Pacific, Red Sea reefs. However we adapt this program for know the fishes in our Mediterranean sea. Also, we will learn the importance of enviroment in the oceans.
- Open water required
- 18 meters
- 1 water session (optional)
- 1 academic session
- From 10 years old
- Medical certificate required

Skills of deep diving
The most exciting spots for diving are deep water. If you are not qualificated for that, it could be a risk for you. The Deep Diving program it provide you with the necessary knowledge, skills and experience to make this kind of dives safe and comfortable.
- Open Water certificate required
- 40 meters
- 3 water sessions
- 2 academic sessions
- From 15 years old
- Medical certificate required

NITROX EAN 32 and 40
Discover it advantages!
This is the most popular program of SSI. It provides you all the knowledge about Enriched Air Nitrox. This course also is a required for technical diving. Dive with Nitrox have advantages: less time in the surface between dives, and longer dives.
- Open Water certificate required
- 18 meters
- 1 water session (optional)
- 1 academic session
- From 10 years old
- Medical certificate required

Continue diving in winter
This certification is very useful if you want dive in winter when the waters are colder. With the dry suit the cold is over in your dives and you can enjoy diving all the year. In the course you will learn the necessary techniques for the use of the suits. With this coalification you could rent dry suit in any center.
- Open Water certificate required
- 18 meters
- 2 water sessions
- 1 academic session
- From 12 years old
- Medical certificate

Diving theory
This program provides an in-depth and detailed study of physics, physiology, decompression theory, the aquatic environment and diving equipment. Absolutly necessary for to know the diving risk and when diving is dangerous. This certificate is necessary in the future if you want become a professional diving SSI, also is necessary if you want to do in the futur programs of Extended Range.
- 4 academic sessions
- From 10 years old

Rescue skills and First Aid
Two specialties in one program. In the Stress and Rescue program you will learn that stress is a major cause of diving accidents. You will learn the knowledge and skills for recognize the strees on the divers. You can prevent accidents and manage difficult stress situations. React Right is SSI’s emergency training program, where you will learn First Aid skills; Primary Assessment, First Aid and CPR, Primary Stabilization Techniques.
- Open Water certificate required
- 18 meters
- 3 water sessions
- 3 academic sessions
- From 12 years old
- Medical certificate required